Bernard Ewell Art Appraisals

318 Cache La Poudre, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719/632-5035 Fax:719/633-0959

June 23, 1999

Mr. Albert Scaglione


Dear Mr. Scaglione:

I have examined lithographs from the Dali Bible (Sacra Biblia) collection known as the "Mastella Collection." I also have examined documentation establishing the origin and provenance of the artwork.

It is my opinion that the lithographs are authentic and genuine, and that the signatures thereon are the authentic and genuine signatures of Salvador Dali. It is also my opinion that the artwork is valuable and rare.

You may provide a copy of this opinion to your clients. Your client's may also wish to know that I have 19 years of experience in investigating and authenticating the artwork of Salvador Dali. My qualifications and experience are attached.

Bernard Ewell, ASA